1. If a train is late on one day, there is a 90% probability that the same train will be on time the next day, while if the train is on time, there is a 20% chance it will be late the next day. If in a given week it arrives on time on Monday, compute the probabilities that it will be on time or late for each of the subsequent days of the week. What would the corresponding probabilities have
Now that we got the transition matricx we need what is called a state matricx. A state matricx is what happens first, because the train was on time on Monday the state matricx has to be;The (1) represents the on time colum and the (0) reprsents the late colum.
So to find the percentages of the train coming late or on time you would take the transition matricx and multiply it by the state martricx like this;
If u muiltpy these two matrices you will get the percents of the train being late or on time for the next day. If you multiply the result by the transition matricx you will get the percents for the third day and so on and so on ........
Now if the train happened to be late on that first Monday then the transition matricx would stay the same and the only difference with the state matricx is that the 1 and the 0 would be switched around.
Transition Matricx.....is the matricx showing how things change over time.
State Matricx.....is the matricx in which things begin
Another thing to remember is that if you are trying to find what the numbers stabilize at, rather then keep pressing enter on your calculator just rise the transition matricx to a high number and you will be able to see the numbers at which the amount stabilized. But remember this way only works if you are not interested in finding the exact time that the number stabilized.
I hope my scribe made it easier for you guys to understand things.The next scribe is chris
nice one kyle...you backed up my scribe..lol.thx