Friday, February 16, 2007

February 15, 2007

In today's class we just worked on another question about transition matrices. Mr. K did not teach us any new stuff today, so I am just going to answer one of our assignment from the other day.

page 83, #4
4.If Regan passes his math test, the probability that he will pass the next one is 97%. If he fails his math test, the probability that he will pass the next on is only 85%. Regan has worked hard on this unit so the probability that he will pass the first test is 95%.

a) Write the initial probability matrix and the transition matrix.

b) What is the probability that Regan will pass the fifth test.
[S] x [T]^5 = [.97 .03] (therefore Regan has a 97% on passing his fifth test and 3% on failing it)
I did not show my work because I know that you guys already know how to answer this kind of question.
We also talked about the up coming project on matrix. Mr. K just show us the different kind of presentation we can choose from. If you missed the class that day or you just want to know more about it, just visit our blog and read the post "PRESENTATIONS ......".
This is the end of my scribe.
The next scribe is Jowell

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