Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Hello guys, sorry that my scribe is a little late. This is the scribe for yesterday's and monday's class.

Adding Vector

A vector is represented by directed line segments. The arrwohead indicates the direction of the vector, and the length of the segment indicates its magnitude.

A geometric vector has two components: the magnitude or the length of the vector and the direction in which the vector acts.


When two vectors are acting on the same point, the are arranged tail to tail, they can be added using the parallelogram method of addition.

For Example:

You have a 3 cm vector facing to east and a 4 cm vector facing south.

Copy each vectors and put them on the opposite side of the original vectors, but still facing on the same direction.

The diagonal line is called the resultant vector. Measure it to get the answer.

If you did all the measurements correctly, your answer should be 5 cm.

Triangle Method

When two vectors are arranged sequentially, they are haed to tail, this vectors can be added using the triangle method of addition.

For Example:

There is a 3 cm vector facing east and a 4 cm vector facing north and they're connected tail -to- head.

Connect both vectors to get the resultant vector. Like this.

If you also did all the measurements right, your must be 5 cm.

When adding vectors, you must indicate the length of the resultant vector and an angle with the direction, or you can also use a bearing for your final answer.

You can use the compass directions to guide you in getting the angle you're looking for.
When you got the resultant vector and the angle your answer should look something like this:
5 cm at 42 degrees North of East
That is the end of my scribe. The next scribe is Brittany !

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